

guanDoom: Mapping the Future

guanDoom is not just about creating maps; it's about creating a platform that understands the need for accurate, accessible, and dynamic geographic data. With a focus on Guandu, the project taps into the power of PostgreSQL managed by Supabase for backend data management, ensuring that all mapping data is real-time and reliable.

Key Components

  • Data Management: Utilizing PostgreSQL for robust data storage and management, guanDoom ensures that all geographic information is stored securely and efficiently.
  • Real-time API: Supabase adds a real-time layer to PostgreSQL, enabling live updates and ensuring that users have access to the most current data.
  • Front-end Excellence: With React and Vite at its core, guanDoom offers a seamless user experience, bringing together performance and modern web development practices.
  • Intuitive UI: Leveraging Chakra UI, the project boasts an accessible and beautiful user interface, making navigation and interaction straightforward for all users.
  • Reliable Hosting: Hosted on Netlify, guanDoom benefits from fast, secure, and scalable cloud hosting, ensuring the platform is always accessible.

Getting Started

Setting up guanDoom locally is simple, with npm install to manage dependencies. The project requires specific Supabase variables, detailed in an .env file, to connect to the database and authenticate users. The setup guide provides clear instructions for configuring these variables and preparing the Supabase project for use.

Features and Deployment

guanDoom brings to the table a host of features designed to enhance the mapping experience:

  • GitHub Authentication: An optional setup for secure user authentication, allowing for personalized interactions with the map.
  • Comprehensive Database Schema: A well-structured database table supports the storage and retrieval of messages, user interactions, and geographic data.
  • Interactive Demo: A live demo hosted on Netlify showcases the project's capabilities, offering users a glimpse into the potential applications of guanDoom's mapping solutions.

Join the guanDoom Community

As guanDoom continues to evolve, it welcomes contributions, feedback, and new ideas from the community. Whether you're a developer interested in contributing to the project, a user with suggestions for new features, or simply someone passionate about mapping and geographic information systems, guanDoom offers a platform for collaboration and innovation.

guanDoom stands at the intersection of geography and technology, embodying a vision for a more connected, informed, and navigable world. Explore, contribute, and be part of the journey towards better mapping solutions with guanDoom.